If you look closely at our family tree, you will see a small white heart on the imprint of my hands. Sometimes people have asked about it. It is a tribute to our unborn baby, which we lost to a miscarriage in July of 2001. To any family that has suffered this kind of a devestating loss let me say how very sorry I am for you. The pain is very personal, very deep and very real. There are no words that fully describe this experience, but the following is what I wrote down shortly after we lost what would have been our third child. The grief left an imprint on our hearts and on our family forever.
Even though I never held you in my arms, I hold you in my heart
Even though I never gave you a name, I began to dream of who you would be
Your life was too delicate…too fragile
The angels decided your soul was too pure for this earth
…they will hold you
But, part of me will always love you as if I had…
this brings tears to my eyes. i love you, sister.
We have an angel ornament which is our tribute to a baby lost to miscarriage as well. Time softens it, but I think a mother’s heart never forgets.
this makes me cry, every time i think about it. i wish that we could have had a new baby sibling, although, it does give us all the more reason to perhaps adopt!!!