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For the past week we have been visiting my parents. The kids have loved being spoiled by their grandma and grandpa! We have all had plenty of time to relax, catch up and enjoy one another. What a blessing! As our time here is coming to an end, my mind is starting to race with all of the preparations that await me at home. Once back at home, we will have approximately 5 weeks to sell/give away/store the rest of our belongings; say good-bye to family and friends in Michigan and pack for 3 months in Swaziland. We will be going to serve in whatever way we can and, also, to figure out if we feel compelled to return to Swaziland long term, and to take some time to figure out logistics like housing and schooling for our kids if we were to return and call Africa ‘home’ for the next several years! We are so excited to follow the Lord’s leading in this next part of our journey! We realize, however, that we are heading into unknown territory. We will prepare as much as we can. We will rely on God’s grace and guidance, as well as the prayers and support of family and friends, for the rest!
We are not completely sure what our work will be once we arrive in Swaziland. What we DO know, is that we will be called upon to serve and love the community of Nsoko. We will have to stay in constant communion with the Father, through prayer and His Holy Word. As a family, we will find ourselves needing to cling to one another; support and encourage one another. We will be stretched. The lessons and truths that we have been studying through the life of Jesus Christ will become the blueprint by which we construct each day. If HE does not show up…we will fail.
Our prayer is that we will empty ourselves out of this entire experience. That we would get out of the way. That through our hands, our feet, the prayers spoken through our mouths…the love and mercy of Jesus Christ will flow. We desire to be instruments of grace, deliverers of mercy and conduits of love. Are we ready?
“God is not interested so much in your ability but rather your availability!”
Eric, myself, Claire and Jacob say to our God in one voice:
“We are available, O Lord. You are sending us, You will give us what we need and You alone will be glorified! We are ready…because YOU go before us.” AMEN and AMEN

So very excited for your family….and don’t think about Him not showing up He is there already and always with you no matter what.
Will be praying…dan & merilyn
Remember the scene in “Out of Africa”, when Karen and her servant go out in the bush. Each day he goes ahead to set up camp and build a fire to guide Karen to the camp. I have that picture in my mind. Jesus has gone on ahead to prepare the camp (the way) for you. Just follow His signal fire. I love you all so very much.
Don’t worry about the “stuff” back here. We will help you with that. God IS in total control!!! Have a safe trip home. Lov, Mom & Dad
great job mommy!! i am so excited
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
God will make the way clear for you!
Sending much love.
Thanks for the update!
We continue to pray for all of you.
Listening to David Staal preach this morning I could help but think of you guys as well. 8 years ago we sent the Timmer family out to serve on the mission field in Bolivia. 8 years later we say goodbye to them again as they head out to follow their continuing call.
And now here you guys are. Where will it lead? Only God knows! Move forward humbly and boldly in faith.
Duane & Ginger
This is gonna be awesomely,challengingly, Incredible!
Our prayers & love are with you on the next step of your journey. Your family has been a blessing to ours & we owe you our devotion to your ministry. As Lo & I met with Eric this morning, I can only praise God for what you have built into Beechwood. . . the Youth Ministry, the Upper Room, and the cohesiveness of the church staff. As well, being great neighbors and always a listening ear & guiding voice.
In His Love,
Alexander, Laurie, & Kids(~:
I appreciate the update Jen.
You are covered in prayer and the Holy Spirit will surprise you in ways you didn’t think possible. Look forward to hearing more.