As we near our departure for Africa, we are having to experience the bitter-sweet feeling of many goodbyes. Leaving is hard, obviously…but as I have said over and over to so many family and friends: “there are no REAL good-byes in the Kingdom of God!” These times have been sweet, in that, there have been so many beautiful and tender outpourings of love, encouragement and support from the community that surrounds us!
A week ago Sunday, we were sent out by our congregation of Beechwood Church. What a day that was! So many expressions of love and support, promises of prayer covering, warm hugs and (yes) some tears…but also much laughter and excitement looking forward to what God is doing as He sends us out!
Lovely cards and gifts have blessed us. A dear friend made us a prayer quilt that is meant to wrap up in when we are feeling homesick and especially far away! It is absolutely amazing, and we will treasure it always. I told her, the colors she chose are the colors of Africa; rich, deep and stunning! We also have been given a wrapped box that contains handwritten notes and prayers, that we are to open once we are in Swaziland. We have been told there is one to be opened and read each day we are in Africa! What a gift…and what a boost those notes will be at the end of each day!
This past Monday, we ended our time with Eric’s family in a time of prayer and shared Communion together. My heart was so full as I looked around the circle and was reminded that not only are we family on this earth…we will be family for all eternity!
This has been a season of many “endings” for us, as we embark on a season of new beginnings. Much of what we are moving toward is unknown and undefined. However, we are going forward with boldness and assurance because so many have promised to pray for us and we know, without any doubt, that God goes before us and God goes with us. We may be far away from the people on this earth whom we love, but we are never separated from the love and protection of our Father in heaven. That is a promise to cling to, no matter where you find yourself…
“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:23-26
a box of love!!
I an inspired by your commitment to mission! You are a special and awesome family serving an AWESOME GOD! You have blessed so many lives in this country and you will bless so many more on your mission to Africa. Thank you for sharing your call with the family at Beechwood. I will pray for you every time I hear the sound of the train that travels a few blocks from our house several times a day. This will be a constant reminder of my desire to hold you up in prayer. God be with you in the months that we are separated.
Dang it…you made me cry, AGAIN! I love you both so much! Thank you for every way that your family has touched and influenced mine! We have been truly blessed to have had you with us at Beechwood! The people in Africa are very lucky to be getting such an awesome family to serve them! Prayers and blessings to all of you!
I’ve told many people that you, all four of you, humble me. I am amazed by your faith and commitment to our heavenly Father and to the people you are preparing to serve. Although Dad and I are so far from you in distance, please know that we are with you in spirit and in prayer. I love you all so very much. On the plane to Swaziland, remember that God has gone before you and is waiting for you there.
Awesome. Must be nice to have a church that cares to send you off in a way that is so beautiful. Can’t wait to see you in SWAZILAND.