It never ceases to amaze me how gentle and gracious Father is to us…His children. When there is a lesson He wants to teach us or a truth He wants us to really get, He is relentless with us. He will continue to bring us into proximity with people, places or things which will show us what He wants us to understand.
Since arriving in Africa slightly over a month ago, I started reading through the Book of Acts. The stories of how the Church grew and the Good News of Jesus spread throughout the world is fascinating to me. I remember reading Acts 3 several weeks ago and having it impress me more deeply then ever before. This is the account of Peter and John walking to the temple and encountering a crippled man who is begging, and asks the men for some money…
“…Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, ‘Look at us!’ So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’ Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.” (vs.4-7)
It is easy to relate to Peter and John while doing ministry in Swaziland. When our white faces appear, people assume that we have money and will be able to help them. This help may include buying food, taking a sick family member to a clinic, purchasing needed medication, repairing a leaky roof, buying clothing or soap to wash clothing, money for transport to school, school fees, money to buy seeds for a new garden…and the list goes on and on. All of these mentioned needs are real and legitimate and have been brought before our family since being here. It can get overwhelming! It can get frustrating! Frankly, it gets tiring! Isn’t it enough that we are here? Isn’t it enough that we moved our family halfway around the world in order to live in and among the least of these?
The answer to that is NO.
Just being here is not enough. Even if we could meet every single one of the physical needs that are presented to us…even that would not be enough! Unless and until the sick, hungry, thirsty, imprisoned, crippled and dying are introduced to the only One who can bring them the healing, satisfaction, freedom and life that they need; only Jesus Christ is enough. Even if through my hands, healing flows…without giving the glory to Jesus Christ, true healing will not flow. Even if through my hands, cool water is touched to parched lips…without giving the glory to Jesus Christ, thirst will return. Even if through my hands, an empty cupboard is filled with good food…without giving the glory to Jesus Christ, hunger will return. Even if through my hands a captive is given freedom from their chains…without giving the glory to Jesus Christ, they will once again become entangled.
I have had to re-read Acts 3 several times over the past several weeks in order to train my heart and mind before going out to do ministry. As a family, we have to encourage each other daily to lay down the temptation of trying to take on the weight of need which we face. I think sometimes it is natural as people to want to have some “thing” to offer. Often times it is easier, really, to hand over a few dollars. The lie that Satan often whispers to our hearts is that prayer is not powerful; that it does not satisfy or change things. It is true, that sometimes when we pray, the immediate and outward results are not what we expect. As God continues to have to remind me: It is not about you!! Only God knows the heart and only He sees the inner life-change that happens when His children pray. Our responsibility is to pray in faith, in the name of Jesus and with pure hearts. Beyond that is in the hands of He who is able to do more than we could ever hope or imagine!!
Does this mean that we are not called to give ourselves in ways like monetary gifts, donations of food, time, talents, etc…? Of course not! Many times, God will use the hands and feet of the one praying in order to answer the spoken prayer! When God is in it, through prayer, the one seeking will never go away unsatisfied.
…“He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.” Acts 3:8-10

Jen, i guess this answers one of the questions I had for you- wondering if the needs get overwhelming and what you do about that. You are so right, God calls us to bring glory to him and He is the only answer that will truly satisfy. For us and others. I love your way with words, you speak truth. And I pray that we all start with prayer and listen to what God tells us to do when confronting the needs of others- obvious (in Africa) or more subtle (in America!). Thanks!
Again, a very moving word picture of what life (in Africa and everywhere else) is truely about.It’s not about us. Thanks for the reminder to give God all the GLORY!! we love you all so much, Mom & Dad