I have gone back and forth about sharing this story in such a public way. Part of me feels that by sharing it, somehow, I would be boasting or trying to draw attention to myself. I trust that after searching my heart and holding my motives before God that my intentions here are pure. By sharing the following experience I really just hope to encourage others to listen to that still, small voice that may arise in your spirit during your everyday walking around life!
For a while now, I have been intentional about asking the Lord to open my eyes to show me where He is already working. Praying for a keen awareness of His Kingdom coming to earth. Praying for boldness to step into that work! Yesterday I was given that opportunity…and I accepted the gift!
As I was driving to meet my sister for lunch, I turned off the highway entering into downtown Grand Rapids. At the light situated at the end of the exit ramp stood a man, in the middle of the lanes of traffic. His body was crooked, leaning heavily on a cane. He seemed to be having a difficult time standing up, balancing both his cane and a small cardboard sign: hungry and homeless it said. Immediately, I knew that I was going to step in. There have been many times, when faced with the same or similar situations, I would choose to look the other way. Too many times, if I am shamefully honest! But not this time.
I drove to a nearby fast food restaurant, purchased a couple of cheesburgers, some fries and a coffee. (it was chilly yesterday…otherwise an icy cold cola would have seemed more appropriate…) Driving back towards the man, I felt a warmth; almost an electricity coursing through my body. Maybe it was nerves…but I am more inclined to credit the Holy Spirit.
After finding a (very illegal) place to park my car, I put on the hazard lights, grabbed the food and made my way through the traffic to where “hungry and homeless” stood. His back was to me and he couldn’t hear me calling out to him until I was practically standing beside him! As he turned toward me, and realized my reason for being there, his eyes softened and seemed to tear up a bit. We shuffled toward the side of the road, and I handed him the cup of coffee and the fragrant, steaming bag.
“I brought you some lunch!” I said. He smiled at me, looked down at the offering in my hands and accepted it. “Oh man…thank you maam. You just made my day!” He struggled a bit, holding the bag and the cup along with his cane and sign. Part of me wanted to take the sign but I figured he would probably need it again in a few hours. He managed to balance everything and I decided we better part ways; my car was holding up traffic and the business lunch crowd was growing impatient by the inconvenience.
As I returned to my car, I eyed a Bible on the backseat. I hadn’t remembered seeing it there but I scooped it up and ran back to the man. He looked startled by my return, but I held out the Bible and said “Would you like a Bible?” (looking back now, I’m not sure how exactly he would have carried it) He looked at me and told me he already owned a Bible, that I should keep it! I felt an urgency, a pressure to say something profound and meaningful. “I love you, brother!” That is what I came up with…
Turning my car around, I glanced in my rear-view mirror to see another man approaching the man I just was talking with, and then receive one of the cheeseburgers being offered to him! He was hungry and homeless too, I am guessing…
As I was driving across town, now late in meeting my sister, the electric pounding sensation increased throughout my body. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I was overcome with the thought that with that simple gesture: 15 minutes out of my schedule and about $5.00 out of my wallet; “
hungry and homeless” had become my brother.
Not just another nameless face begging on the street but…family. In those few moments we, my brother and I, were in the Kingdom of God…holy ground right off of the highway. He may have thought I was an answer to his prayers yesterday,when actually, he was an answer to mine.

“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven…”
“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”
What a terrific story Jen, I love it, so often when I see these people I kinda get a fright in me and walk on.
It reminds me of Amy (hope she doesn’t mind me telling) but she saw 2 women waiting a Meijers and obviously needed a ride on a rainy day. She offered to take them where they needed to go and they accepted…and I said, “did you have the kids with you?” You see how trusting I am.
Good for you and I don’t feel you are bragging at all.
Thank you for sharing this story Jen – you are one of few who will take time to share with the homeless, let alone think of the homeless. When the man received the food I am sure he saw Jesus instead of you. The homeless are people too – at one time, someone’s baby. I hope this story helps people to become more aware and become “brothers and sisters” with the poor and destitute.
Jen, you are amazing!
I love you baby! Keep “turning aside” – it’s truly there that the Kingdom is waiting for us. Telling the story is an encouragement, not prideful. Thanks for encouraging us!
Your story shows your heart…..it is not boastful at all! Great story!
Thank you for sharing this story Jen. I, too, passed someone today on my way to my date with Liam- and I did nothing. But I really struggled with it as I drove by her, I wrestled in my spirit for a while but I let the logical side of me win out- (how will I help her? how will I give it to her? would groceries really help? how would she get them home? where would I park? what do I do about Liam in the car?) In retrospect, I think I should have been obedient to the Spirit and let God work out the details. He keeps telling me this lesson in different ways lately- to just obey, without knowing why or what the results will be. Forgive me Lord, for not having enough faith that if you called me to help someone, you would show me how to do it. And tomorrow the car goes into the shop, so I can’t even try to go find her again til our van is fixed. Lesson #2- take the opportunity when it is there, because who knows what will happen later. Thank you for the conviction I needed today. I think this post was for me!
Jen, you brought me to tears again. Thank you for allowing God to work through you and then sharing it with us. You are a true testimony of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Love you, girl!
Dianne, funny you should say that because I felt like I was looking into Jesus’ eyes…which so ofen happens when we get close to the “least of these”!!