It is June in Michigan…in other words open house time! Not having grown up here, I was not familiar with the tradition of graduation open houses…Michigan style! Being married to a youth pastor, I have been to several of these events. The food and decorations differ, but the theme of these parties remain the same. This is an opportunity for the graduate to be honored and celebrated by family and friends for their accomplishment of completing high school. Usually there are tables full of photos,awards,medals,scrapbooks, certificates and diplomas. Kind of like a “this is your life” walk down memory lane as guests nibble on their meatballs and cake. It is the mark of one part of a journey ending and another part about to begin.
This year, as we attend different open houses, I feel a different kind of connection to the festivities. I can relate to the graduates as they are letting go of the familiar, the known; and moving into the unfamilar and unknown. In chatting with some of them it is obvious they are equal parts anxious and excited; nervous and exhilerated. They have both stars and tears in their eyes.
My family is “graduating” in a way. We are leaving one way of life to embark on a new way. We are going off to school, to study more of what it means to be a citizen of God’s Kingdom. We are going to discern what He is calling us to do, acquire the tools necessary to do it and fuel the passion and fire required to see it to completion! As the mission of
G42 Leadership Academy (where our family is heading in September) states:
“Ignite passion, Unleash freedom, Go to the nations!”
At times, if I take my eyes off of Jesus long enough, I can start believing the lie that the enemy of my soul wants me to believe: “You are going the wrong way!” Today, I started having one of these moments. You know the ones…when the waves are crashing around your ankles and starting to rise; causing the spray to whip up into your eyes and nose…yeah that’s where I was! I started reflecting with Eric how it is quite possible our kids won’t have an open house like the ones we have been attending all weekend. That by exiting the super-highway of the American life at this point we might not be able to get back in line! We very well may be ruining our kids’ chances of certain accomplishments and experiences. Are we denying them opportunities? Are we wrecking their lives?
I guess we are kind of going the “wrong way”…depending on who you ask! We are leaving a very comfortable, predictable life for the unknown. Rather than working on acquiring more stuff we are trying to figure out how to get rid of the stuff we have! Rather than looking for activities that serve our kids we are focusing on ways for our kids to serve alongside of us. We are not so much saving for retirement as we are preparing for Christ’s return.
By saying all of this, I am not casting judgment on anyone else’s choices. Everyone has to make their own way. This is our way. This is the way for us based on what we feel God is saying to our family. When we keep our focus on that truth we never think we are going the wrong way. That really only happens when we compare that way with the world’s way; because the two really don’t seem to cooperate. Consider this:
The world says: “Get rich…buy stuff…be happy!”
“Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 5:19
The world says: “Improve yourself…improve the quality of your life!”
“You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.” Luke 16:15
The world says: “Do whatever makes you comfortable. If it works for you, it works!”
“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12: 1-2a
So, back to my “crisis” on the way home from the open house! Are we denying our kids? Are we wrecking their lives? Are we turning their dreams and our futures upside-down?
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man to if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”
Matthew 16:24-26
What a great analogy! When I read this blog it seemed to me that you came back from the “waves” feeling stronger and more positive about your decision. It is probably a good thing to “wonder” a bit…. Your children are going to gain so much more than most children. Your parenting and teaching are priceless to your children. God is blessing you beyond understanding….
Jen- I love this post! I am so glad to know you guys- and to know we are not the only ones trying to turn the American Dream upside down 🙂