I have heard this phrase spoken or written to me more than twice over the past six months of my life. ” You are the Mother to many.”
“Jen is the Make (pronounced ma-gay in Swaziland, meaning: mother) to many in Nsoko….”
“You are the mother to many in Swaziland…”
When you hear something once you might notice…when you hear something twice you definately take notice…more than twice…it is a message you are meant to hear…
Mother to many…
Of course I am mommy to my two wonderful children. Claire and Jacob are growing up and more independent by the day! However, I will always be their mama! When my daughter has a question about becoming a young woman…I am really the only one who can answer her! When my son is sick and needs a hot bath or some extra snuggles at bedtime…only I will do.
Eric and I have been active in ministry for most of the years of our marriage. I was pregnant with Claire during the first year of Eric’s call as youth pastor. It has been an ongoing balancing act…figuring out what parts of our life/family belong to ministry and what parts belong to us. Can you ever really figure that out? What is there to figure out? Really?
Isn’t it all ministry? Isn’t the primary purpose of our lives on this planet to worship God, serve Him, bring Him glory, and invite His Kingdom to come to earth as it is already coming into heaven?
I think if you read the same Scriptures that I read…you will come to that exact conclusion.
Our lives are ministry…all of it…everything…every…thing…
What does that mean for you?
I can tell you what it means for me…
It means that some days, my ministry is to make my home comfortable and warm for my family.
It means that some days, my ministry is to homeschool my two kids; teaching and guiding them to the best of my ability.
It means that some days, my ministry is to encourage my husband and convince him that he is everything to me.
It means that some days, my ministry is to pour into and encourage our Swazi ministry partners that they are the most valuable assets to our work here in Nsoko.
It means that some days, my ministry is to make a ham and cheese sandwich for the young man who works in our yard…and help him with his homework…he might be 19…but his mama is dead and he hasn’t finished high school…
It means that some days, my ministry is to hold a little boy on my lap who is covered in a rash…dry, scaly, itchy skin…but he still needs a loving touch.
It means that some days, my ministry is to sing “Jesus Loves Me” to a little girl who sits on my lap even though she has no underpants and doesn’t have Charmin toilet tissue….yeah…kind of stinky….but she doesn’t know that!
It means that some days, my ministry is to wipe countless runny noses with the hem of my shirt because the tissues have run out!
It means that some days, my ministry is to put a Band Aid on an invisible ‘boo-boo’ and give kisses, because sometimes that is all I can do…
It means…that some days…my ministry is to do ALL of that….
I find myself in a tiny, African country…with my beloved husband and two amazing kids who are all trying to hear what the Lord is saying to us. I am usually dirty, dusty,stinky and stomping on bugs! I often find myself surrounded by adorable (dirty, dusty,stinky and stomping!) kids looking to be picked up, hugged,kissed, and told they are loved.
I am the mother to many…
That is my ministry…
Eric is the father to many…
Claire is the sister to many…
Jacob is the brother to many…
That is their ministry…
Not very exciting…not glamorous…not huge or important…depending on who you ask, I guess!
….what does it mean…..
…Life is ministry…ministry is life….all of it…
….for you?
The part of the younger girl without under pants touched me. She doesn’t know she might have an objectionable aroma and you would never tell her. She just wants to be loved. 🙂 Thanks for writing. Blessing to all, Duane
oops Jen I guess I commented on your e-mail….
Jen,Your posting struck a cord today. When I often wonder what my “real” purpose is, I’m reminded that I’m living it – in the here and now.
Truer words were never spoken. Too often we all struggle, asking “what is God’s plan for my life”. It’s if we are all waiting for some amazing, unbelievable, “world stopping event” that God is going to reveal to us. You my friend, have discovered it! We are all called to be the Moms, the Dads, the Brothers, and the Sisters for all of mankind. We are especially called to be those people to the ones that have no one to look after them. I thank God for your family and for all of those who are doing God’s work in Swaziland. I look forward to coming back next year and hopefully working with all of you. God bless all of you and thank you for sharing these special words.
Thanks, Jen, your message was beautiful and the pictures spoke volumes, especially the ones with Claire and Jake. The love shines through.
Thanks Jen, for being in the moment for the “one”.
Lord bless you guys.
(Jen, I love your shirt!)
I totally understand! When I was involved with the youth ministry, TEC, I was Mom to many! I felt such love for all of them, including those who were “different” and felt no love! And just remember, they will all rise up and call you BLESSED!!! (Proverbs 31:28)
Jen: You are a special Mom!! Thanks for being such a great example to our family. We are so proud of you! God bless you all.Love, Mom & Dad P.
Jen: Thank you for your blog. Every time that I read one of your entries, something strikes me that I may have known but forgotten or I didn’t known. Your definition of ministry was a powerful reminder of what it is all about on this earth. “Our purpose on this planet is to worship God, serve Him, bring glory to him and invite his Kingdom to come on earth as it is already in Heaven.” Thank you Jen, for that reminder. It is something that can get lost so easily when we think of ourselves first. You and your family model that definition.
God bless you all
Thanks Jen & Thank God for giving you such a loving “Make” heart for all the children of this world!! I really appreciate your posts & pics…they move me & challenge me to take action on behalf of all God’s children & not worry about what others may think or say. Blessings to you, Eric, Claire, Jacob, & the rest of your Swazi family as well!
Hello Jen-
You truly are a mother to many (and a good one at that)! GOD must have wanted you to know that because you have heard it more than once recently….I hope this gives you reassurance. I think and pray for you often, my friend!
Love and prayers-
The photo of Jacob is very poignant and brought a tear to my eyes. You guys are doing a fantastic job over there…keep up the good work. Annie
Peterson’s I think of you daily. I have developed a friendship with a particpant from Swaziland this past month while serving at Haggai Institue and that has brought you to mind even more. I am so blessed and challenged by the way you are living out your faith. God continues to teach me that times of trials are times of growth. You lives continue to be a testimony to our Lord. Blessings Tim
Jen, I cannot tell you how this has blessed me. I am so greatful to God that you are living here, near me. It is a privilegde to know you and your precious family.
Keep up this wonderful work.Thank you for your example of how to truly die to self. I know that God has a great plan with your family. god’s richest blessings.
Jeni, thank you again for putting ‘things’ in perspective for me, your mamma.
I, too, relate to your post! It is often stretching to offer yourself (or watch as your husband is offering himself) continually – without much acknowledgement. YET- God is glorified and people are blessed and THAT is enough! We pray and think of you moment by moment. Wish we could be together, Jen! We love each of you very much!