I am not the most “crafty” or artistic lady! I have had to come to terms with this over the years in regards to things such as my childrens’ birthday cakes – just ask Eric about the carousel cake disaster on the eve of our daughter’s 2nd birthday! Project ideas that look easy enough in the pages of a parenting magazine quickly turn into a glittery glue covered heap of scraps on my dining room table. These things tend to lose something in translation when they go from my head to my hands. I am ok with this…now.
One project, however, that I am extremely proud of and treasure is one which the four of us completed together a few years ago. It did involve paint…which is usually my clue to stay away. We created a family tree on poster board, using our handprints as the leafy parts of the tree. I even (in a rare stroke of creative inspiration) drew in the branches and trunk! We decided to choose some Scripture, and include it on the finished product. In the lower right corner of our ‘masterpiece’ it reads:
“But blessed is the (family) who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
This hangs in our dining room, and it serves as a reminder to our family what we stand for and the legacy we hope to leave. It reminds us from where we are to draw our strength. It serves to keep us humble during times when we are bearing good fruit and gives us hope and direction during times of pain and struggle.
The ‘stream’ next to which we plant our family; the soil in which we allow our roots to take hold, will determine the fruit that our tree bears. The values we hold up as important, the activities we allow to occupy our time, the goals we set for ourselves…all of these will be reflected in our tree’s fruit. By looking at this poster daily, I am challenged to be mindful of these things and attempt to make corrections as necessary. At times, I am required to withstand seasons of pruning to get rid of ‘branches’ that are choking out life and preventing the growth God desires. These are painful…but they are vital! My responsibility in the process is to stay grounded in the truth and teachings of God’s Word. I must remain pliable to the workings and promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Where are you putting down roots? What stream are you drawing from? Is there pruning to be done? What fruit is your family tree producing?
Jen, your insight inspires me…I love this family tree and what it stands for. God is showing you the way and it is a amazing adventure to see through you. These blogs are great I love them and look forward to seeing them.
That’s such a great idea and I really like how you use it as a daily reminder for the values you’re living and instilling in your kids. Proud of you Jen and grateful to know you. Hopefully you didn’t copyright this because I think the Landes family would really enjoy making their own family tree!
luv u mom, ur such a good writer. hope that this blog will keep u happy and our family together. luv u!!! 🙂