Eric and I were talking this morning, over cups of coffee, about how certain things just get into our heads. Song lyrics, that if we really thought about them, would never be allowed to pass back over our lips. However, because of the catchy tune and “pop” flavor of it all, they find a way into our mind and out of our mouth. Today’s performers and singer/songwriters know just how to produce something that will stick even if it isn’t worth the paper it is written on. Lyrics about short shorts, bikini tops and girls kissing girls. Junk food for the mind. Crap…yet as a society we offer it up to our kids day in and day out.
Commercial jingles are the same way. Products that we may or may not believe in can easily find room in our brains, simply by hearing a few familiar lines on the radio or TV. A partial picture of the “golden arches” has the ability to make one’s mouth water for deep fried, over-salted sticks of potato! A dark red background with pristine, swirling white letters can produce a thirst for the carbonated, sugary beverage known all around the globe. “I’d like to buy the world a Coke…”
The thing is, the world doesn’t need a Coke…
Most of the world would be thrilled just for a clean glass of safe drinking water!
When did we become so passive? When did we decide it was acceptable for any old message or tag line to seep into our subconcious brain? How about what is being allowed to enter and take root in the minds and hearts of our children? When did we agree to live subliminal lives?
It definately is the easier way to get information in. Even though advertising and entertainment are billion dollar industries…they really are the cheap substitutes to wide awake, fully aware, completely ALIVE existence!
Consider Jesus’ parable of finding hidden treasure:
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in joy went and sold all he had and bought the field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44-46
This story suggests that real treasure is not stumbled upon…it is sought after.
This story suggests that real treasure is not cheap…it is costly.
This story suggests that lasting and valuable treasure isn’t going to just happen to find its way into our hearts…we have to actively and purposefully go looking for it.
This story suggests that a person does not simply drift into the Kingdom of heaven…mindless drifting and blind acceptance are symptoms of the kingdom of this world. The Kingdom of heaven is to be entered into with boldness and purpose. Forthrightness instead of foolish wanderings. Daring to follow God-sized dreams, rather than selling out for a daydream.
Reaching for that which is eternal…worth it all…everything…
Have you found
that? Are you looking? Are you listening?
“We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” Hebrew 2:1
Awesome. Good stuff. Kingdom words, you have written.