It is an interesting dynamic to live physically in one environment and yet have access to a completely different environment via the world wide web. The level of poverty we are eye witness to each day is in stark contrast to the level of excess we can have flood our senses by simply turning on the computer. It can kind of mess with your mind, actually. While kids in one country dress up in costumes and go walking door to door asking for candy they don’t need, kids in another country practically climb into a still hot iron cauldron to scrape the left over burnt bits of maize meal off the bottom inside…

…while kids in one country are beginning to formulate lists of new toys and gadgets to send to Santa, kids in another country are praying that they would have what they need to make it through another day…that rain would come to fill the cistern at their homestead…that the sickness that keeps their one surviving parent too weak to work would be taken away…that somehow there would be money for them to pay school fees so that perhaps they may be the one member of the family to complete school and turn their desperate situation around…
Different countries….
….Different kids
….Different lives
One, no better or worse than the other…
Both, seen and loved by a Heavenly Father who knows the cries of their heart before they are spoken.
Each valued and prized simply because the God of the universe sees them and knows their name. Each looking to find their way in a world that either offers them comfort and security – or – hardship and uncertainty.
One having to make room and space in the clutter and distractions of their life in order to hear the still small voice of the Lord.
One only having to close his eyes, be still and
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Which one understands more profoundly the depth of the Father’s love for them? Which one is hungrier for the Bread of Life? Which one thirsts more after Living Water? Which child is more blessed?
“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” Matthew 11:25-26
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14