Yesterday, January 6, was the day that the Epiphany is remembered and celebrated in Christian circles around the globe. The Epiphany is recognized as the event when the Magi visited Jesus in Bethlehem. They were sent there by King Herod in his diabolical attempt to kill this newborn king of the Jews! The three wise men presented the young Jesus with treasures of gold, incense and myrrh.
As I did a little bit of study today surrounding this event, I discovered that each gift represented a different part of Christ’s identity and/or purpose for coming to earth. The gold was a symbol of his being KING. It represented riches and royalty. The incense was a gift intended for a DEITY; a supernatural being recognized as divine and sacred. Incense was often burned as a tribute – with the thought being the sweet aroma or perfume would rise up to the deity being honored. Finally, myrrh was given to the Christ child. This bitter herb had many medicinal uses in ancient times, including being used in the embalming process of dead bodies. This gift represented Christ’s SUFFERING and DEATH; His ultimate purpose for coming to earth.
As I reflected on these gifts, my thoughts were brought back to the name given to my son during our time in Swaziland. He was given the name Sipho, which in SiSwati means gift.
At the time, of course, I thought the name was lovely and sweet. I agreed that it was a proper and fitting name for my only son, who is indeed, a gift to our family. Today, as I took some time to ponder the Epiphany story, I found myself also remembering two other little boys whom we encountered in Swaziland. Two baby boys who share my son’s SiSwati name: Sipho. That, however, is where most of the similarities end…
One of the “other” Siphos I wrote about earlier in a blog entitled
Noxolo’s Gift which can be read
here. I am honored to share a growing sisterhood in Christ with his mama, and was priviliged to be present at his birth! A gift, to be sure! He is a strong and healthy little one, adored by his mother and several other family members. Before departing Swaziland to return to the States, Claire and I stopped by Noxolo’s homestead to say good-bye. Sipho was placed into my arms and his mother whispered in my ear: “Will you bless him?” She wanted me to pray for her son, which I happily agreed to do! Standing under the African sky I asked God to continue to care for this little one and his mother, protecting them both and drawing them unto Himself. Sipho’s future holds many uncertainties. His parents are both very young, still teenagers! He is living in a community where HIV/AIDS is devestating the population. His ability to grow up healthy, go to school, find gainful employment and prosper will be met with challenges at every turn. As I gazed into his sweet little face, a tiny fracture tore open in my heart as I realized how quickly the innocence and purity of this little boy might be snatched away by the harsh reality in which he will grow up.
My arms held on to another boy named Sipho. He was a newborn infant who was brought to our clinic in Nsoko by his mother. His breathing was shallow, his body hot to the touch with fever. He had open sores over much of his body from a sepsis infection that had spread through his tiny system. We brought him to a nearby hospital where he was admitted. I visited him once during his hospital stay. He was naked, wrapped in a light blanket and hooked up to an IV. As I watched him struggling to breathe I found myself holding my own breath in my lungs. I’m not sure why…maybe I wanted to know what it felt like to be deprived of oxygen…breath…life. I prayed over him. I asked God to relieve this precious boy and release him from the broken body which held him captive. I declared life and light over him. He was, indeed, set free…two weeks later. He passed from this world into the arms of Jesus. Was there no other way to answer my prayer? Who am I to question the Divine…
Finally, my gift…my Sipho…my son. Jacob. I also held him on the night of his birth, praising and thanking God for bringing him into my life. I looked into his eyes with wonder: Who is this boy? What will he bring to the world? What will the world bring to him? I also prayed over him in a hospital room as he struggled to breath due to a congenital heart defect. I remember pleading with the Lord, asking Him to heal my son and relieve his body from the disease holding him bondage. My prayers were answered…Jacob had surgery and recovered fully from his condition! Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jehovah-Rapha: the God who heals!!
As Jacob grows up into a young man, it is exciting to watch him develop his own gifts in serving the world; growing the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!
Using his hands to bring tangible help and service:
Using his arms to bring comfort and warmth to the least of these:
Using his smile to bring laughter and happiness:
Using his attentive and patient heart to minister to even the little cares of the world:
Eric and I will continue to watch and pray over Jacob as He finds his way in this world and his special place and purpose in the ongoing work to redeem it!
All three boys…gifts…ALL precious in HIS sight.
Three gifts given to the newborn King over 2000 years ago. Three little boys whose lives intersected in a name…Sipho…gift. An omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God who sees it all and holds it all in His hands. The same God who gave the gift of His only Son to a world who would not receive Him; would, in fact, reject Him. He knew this for all eternity. He realized the bitter suffering His son would endure but He sent the gift anyway!
This is the same God who knows your name and knows the hardship you are experiencing. He is the same God who created Sipho, and Sipho, and Sipho. He knows the beginning, middle, and the end of their stories…and yours.
He sent the gift anyway! He sent the gift anyway…
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” ~ John 3:16-17
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” ~ 2 Corinthians 9:3
I love that kid so much. I really do… That was beautiful mom, I really mean it, truly beautiful…
Thank you for sharing with us through your gift of writing….I loved your story!
yep – he’s a special kid alright.
Oh Jen, thank you, for sharing. What a beautiful picture.
Lord bless you guys as walk in obedience to your calling.
Beautiful!! Just beautiful!!!
Oh, and by the way, that’s my grandson:)
Oh Jen – what a beautiful story!! You have such a way with words and I LOVE reading them. Thanks for sharing!
I love that girl he is holding in the 2nd photo. She really stood out to me when we were there.
What a beautiful story! We don’t know the other boys but we are blessed to be a part of Jacob’s life.We remember those early days of his life and Praise GOD for answers to our prayers. Now we see him doing HIS work in this world. What a blessing he is to all of us. Thanks Jen for shareing this story with us. We love you all so-o-o-o much.