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On The Side Of The Road

Two nights ago, a 5 year old little boy from our community was killed as he was walking on the side of the road after dark. He was in a group of kids that was wandering around after dark, by the road, without any adult supervision. Sadly, this scenario is not very unusual around here. There just are not very many parents who are making sure their little ones are home safely at night.
Today, Eric went to visit the homestead of the boy that was killed. What he found is not encouraging. A young, single mother who is overwhelmed. Many little ones, vulnerable and needing protection. A young girl catches Eric’s eye. She is despondent and obviously in need of attention. Eric decides to bring her to the clinic.
At the clinic, it is discovered that she has a fungus growing on her head that  could easily become an out of control infection that infects the brain and develops into meningitis.
The nurse at the clinic uses a straight edge razor to shave the little girl’s head, scraping off the obvious signs of infection on her head. He also gives her an oral antibiotic, in hopes that someone will see to it that she takes the pills as needed.
Sadly, her mother is trapped in a web of addiction. An addiction powerful enough to numb a mother to the point of not knowing where her young son was walking after dark. After dark along a road where huge trucks barrel along at speeds of 90 mph or more. A mother who isn’t ‘present’ enough to notice a fungus growing on her daughter’s head.
How do we help this mother?
How do we comfort her in the loss of one child, while trying to hold her accountable for the kids she still is responsible for?
We are here…
…trying to empower parents who want to help their kids
….trying to be a voice for the kids who seem to have nobody looking out for them
…trying to educate and empower those who find themselves in the middle!
Most days it is very difficult to figure out where to fall in that spectrum! The only ones that consistantly lose are the children! They are the ones that look to us to help them. We try to make change for them. Please continue to pray that we make wise choices and always give God the glory. That is the only way…


  1. Eric & Jen,

    Once again my heart just feels ripped out by yet another tragedy amongst our Swazi children. I can only imagine what this little one’s family is going through. Know that I am praying comfort over them, health for the little girl, freedom for the momma, and that the joy of the Lord would be your strength as you are ministering to this family as well as many others, as the hands & feet of Jesus.

  2. Wow! We can see why you are overwhelmed. Where do you start? We will pray that God does give you the wisdom you need. Thanks for keeping all of us up on what is going on there. We love you and support you always!!

  3. Jen, very sad but thank you for sharing. Got to expose the culture of death in Swaziland in its full reality. Not fun to read but we feel it’s necessary to sit here and read it! I asked Josiah to read this post, and we are discussing it here on the couch. One question Josiah had is, who will give the little girl her pills? Will the mom? Or will you or Eric have to? Or someone at the clinic? Your posts are helping unlock his compassion as he sees the world in its reality…thanks for that. Gabe and Josiah

  4. Your family members are the hands of God in Swaziland. We are praying for you. F & J

  5. Your heart is breaking by the things that break the heart of God. It’s so hard to see people suffer and see injustice and then feel helpless to “fix” it. When you show them Jesus, you seal their future in heaven which will be just like ours. That’s why you are there. You are giving them a future and a hope! Praying that angels surround you every day for protection and you are enabled to share Jesus with them.
    Hugs to all!

  6. Jen, I am so sorry. I am praying for you guys. I pray for wisdom and a spirit of revelation to know how to minister in each situation.

    Love you guys

  7. Heartbreaking. Try to remember, God is good. His love endures. Don’t give up on Him..He won’t give up on you. You have our prayers.

  8. If that doesn’t tear your heart out, you don’t have one.
    Is there any way at all a children’s home could be established. This problem seems to be multiplied many times over. I pray for God to give you strength & decernment & also sends you people work alongside you that hve the same love of God & the people that you do.
    I can’t even imagine how difficult this must be for you
    dear ones.
    I love you so much & will be storming the gates of heaven
    for you & these dear souls.
    Dawn H

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