What a difference a week can make! We are learning, as a family, not to get too wrapped up in how we are feeling on any given day. Feeling frustrated or exhilarated, overwhelmed or encouraged…doesn’t matter…it usually doesn’t last. This is helpful for us to remind one another of from time to time; especially on those frustrating and overwhelming days!
This past week has been so full, which is the reason for the silence from this blog. We spent 3 days of the week at another of the 9 care points in and around Nsoko; at a place called Joyela. Our first morning there the children were slightly shy around us. This did not last, however, much past the first hour or so! Before long they were climbing up into our arms, settling onto our laps and wanting to pull the hair on Eric’s arms and legs (Swazis have hardly any hair on their arms and legs, so this is a source of great fascination to the little ones).
The best part of Joyela is the main go-go, Nelisiwe: also known as Nelli. She is a woman full of energy and spunk. She does such an amazing job of caring for the children in her charge. Inside the small building at the care point, the children sit down on straw mats each day while Nelli schools them in basic “pre-school” exercises teaching them the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, English and SiSwati basic vocabulary. She was very proud to inform us that many of “her” children are placed a grade ahead once they go to primary school! They also spend time praying the Lord’s Prayer, singing the Swazi national anthem and other fun and silly songs. It was great to see this amazing woman giving of herself to these beautiful kids.
While the children had a break to play outside, we sat and chatted with Nelli. She shared some of her story with us. She used to live in South Africa and worked in an office as a receptionist. She said she always felt called to teach and care for little ones, which is why she moved back to the home of her youth and started volunteering at the care point. She had to bury one of her children, a 12 year old daughter. This child loved net ball, a Swazi version of basketball. In her honor, Nelli continues to play the game regularly and says it is a passion for her and helps her to feel close to her late daughter. She wants to teach me to play net ball. I tried to tell her I am not athletic…at all. “AHHH, she says, “if you can walk…you can run!” Wise words; wise woman. However, not gonna lie, the thought of going up against her in this sport scares me! (have Eric tell you about his first net-ball experience some time!!) Nelli also shared that she is a recovered alcoholic and has concerns for several of her siblings who continue to struggle with addiction. This demon has such a strong grip on this community. She was thankful when we took some time to pray with her and for her family. When I shared with her that I, too, have struggled with addiction, Nelli jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. She let out a “whoop-whoop” and squeezed me for a long time. “You have made my day!” she exclaimed. I think she was so surprised that I would share this with her. The common misconception among Swazis is that American people have no worries, no problems…I think she felt instantly bonded to me in that moment. Sisters in Christ…priceless!
Another highlight occurred mid-week. Wednesday evening, as I was preparing supper, a woman entered the guest house kitchen. She and her husband were on holiday, passing through on their way to a game drive in South Africa. We chatted, and ended up inviting them to eat with us. We shared a meal with our new friends from Germany, Walter and Anka. They were very interested in why we were here in Swaziland and had many, many questions about the ministry we are doing. Anka expressed a desire to visit one of the care points and see the ministry in action. Walter said no, they had to be on the road early in the morning to reach their intended destination the following day. We said our “good nights” and turned in for bed.
The next morning, Anka approached Eric on the front porch where he was doing his morning devotions and having coffee. “We have decided we have seen enough lions” Anka said, “We want to see the children!” They adjusted their travel plans in order to accompany us to Joyela that morning! What an awesome experience it was for us to bear witness to the moving of the Holy Spirit within these strangers! They came to the care point with us Thursday morning. Walter and Anka interacted with the children and go-go’s, even joining in on some very silly singing and dancing games! What joy was on their faces as they laughed and played with the kids! We are quite sure that they had never experienced anything like this before. We are also convinced that God had designed our meeting for His purpose and plan…who knows what work was started in their hearts that day!? Isn’t our Father wonderfully creative!? Praise God! They even made a generous donation towards the work here in Nsoko…how cool is that?
We have been here in Africa for a month. Most days we stand in thanksgiving and awe that God has invited us into His work here in Swaziland. He tells us in His Word that widows and orphans ARE His heart. Here, in Nsoko, God’s heart is splayed wide open all around us! When we look into the beautiful eyes of these children, if we look deep…we often get a glimpse of the Savior Himself staring back at us. When a go-go takes your hand and gives it a squeeze, often you get a sense that you have been touched by the Divine.

Thanks for the update! Praying for you, God bless you guys!
My dear Jeni, as I read this, I’m there! Thank you for sharing your incredable gift with us. My love to you all and prayers…..lots of prayers.
Thanks for the great update!
I love the photo above. Such a striking contrast between white and black. And yet identical in ability to love and serve God.
In Christian Love,
Duane 🙂
Praying for your family AND the German couple today. Truly, who knows how this small, powerful seed will grow. Only God…and we know His plans are always amazing!
Salani Kahle,
Once again you’ve brought me to tears Jen! God Bless you and all you are doing!
Your names have come up quite of bit this week as we have discussed the Petersons and the great work you are doing. I can truly say that many prayers are going up on your behalf.
Love you guys!
Mary Borgman
I can hear the “Joy” in your writing…what a blessing. Continued prayers are being sent your way!
Love to all you guys!
You do such a good job of capturing your reflections in words. Thanks for sharing! love to all of you!
Jen, Thank you so much for your updates! The Lord is truly working through you and your family in such an amazing way! You, Eric, and your children are a blessing not only to those you interact with there, but also a blessing to all of us here, you have such a gift for writing! Thank you for sharing that gift with us! Love you all!! 🙂
Wow! Sounds like you have had quite a week. You are very special to us and all those who you meet up with. We are praying that the seeds sown will soon sprout. We love you all so much. Mom & Dad
Dear Jen, Every time I read your blog – and I read every one – I am continually struck by your gift of writing. You have more than one ministry going. Your writing is another! Those of us at home are spiritually encouraged as we live along with you in your Swaziland life. We learn and grow in faith with you. Thanks for the blessing of your blog!