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Two days ago I walked outside onto our patio and bent down to put on my shoes. I was disgusted to find that our new dog  had chewed on one of the straps of my sandals. I could still wear them, but it is only a matter of time before the material will give way and my sandals will be useless. I was angry! I was annoyed! After all, these were my ‘good’ shoes…the ones that I can’t really replace here in Swaziland. Yet…I can still wear them AND if the strap does let go I do have other shoes to put on my feet.

Then, today at one of our care points, I had a little girl sitting on my lap. She was singing and chatting with me. As I looked down, I noticed her shoes.


Kind of put things into perspective! Do you see how the backs of her shoes are literally missing!!?? Yet…she finds it in her soul to sing. (and dance!)

As we enter into a season of Christmas lists and  a time where we tend to focus on things we think we need or want to make us happy…look at this little girl’s shoes and ask yourself… what does it take to really make you happy? What makes you sing? What makes you dance? Is the joy of the Lord your strength?