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Thoughts & Inspiration



That was one of Jesus’ last words on earth. In Matthew 28:19-20 He says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


For a while now we have felt fairly comfortable in the fact that we went!

We sold our house and cars and lots of the stuff you put into them…and we went!

So what!!??

For a long time we believed that was the hard part…the leaving…the breaking away from comfort and all things familiar. But truly, the real work starts after you’ve been there a while. The unfamiliar starts to become familiar. The new becomes mundane. The exciting eclipses into the routine.

Jesus never promised the work of building His Kingdom would be familiar or new or exciting. He never said you would be a hero in doing His work. He never said everyone would love you and cheer you on as you did the work.  He certainly never said it would be easy…

No, the instructions were pretty clear: ‘Go, and make disciples…’

It’s that ‘making disciples’ piece that gets tricky. I can make bread. I can make a bed. I can not make a disciple…not on my own.

Making a disciple is messy…it is painful…it makes me look stupid…it makes me doubt my own ability…sometimes, it even makes me question my faith…

Sometimes making a disciple seems…almost…counterintuitive…it goes against what makes sense, sometimes.

Making a disciple has eternal echoes…it really matters…unlike bread…or bed.

Making a disciple requires the supernatural touch of Jesus Christ…without that…we are spinning our wheels, wasting time, chasing after…

Fill in your own blank, there. Chasing after what? Money…recognition…power…popularity…comfort…what??

Making a disciple always has to come first in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Without disciples you have…nothing.

You only have a faint whisper echoing the life of a man named Jesus…who healed the sick and raised the dead. You have a creation that waits and groans until He returns…Is that enough?
Is it enough to let it fade into a whisper?
Isn’t His life…His ministry…worth more than that?
Even though it is the hardest thing we have ever done…the only answer is yes…it is worth the fight. It is worth feeling inadaquate…it is worth looking like a fool…it is worth feeling as though we have no idea what the heck we are doing…
That is the only endorsement we need.
Not always popular…but it is all that matters.


  1. You do have a way with words Jen!!! We are lacking but GOD is able to use us anyway.So glad you are willing to be HIS hands and feet. We love you all!!!

  2. Jen,
    We are the family that sort of ran across your blog as we were looking for info on missionaries in swaziland to “follow” since we have a sponsored child there. I have used your comments sometimes to keep my children “focused” on our little guy and his environment. But other times, they are very encouraging for me. This is one of those! I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much for being a great example and for being willing to go where the Lord leads you. I pray that HE gives you strength, joy, and courage to do what he has asked.
    Love and Thanks,

  3. Jen,
    We are the family that sort of ran across your blog as we were looking for info on missionaries in swaziland to “follow” since we have a sponsored child there. I have used your comments sometimes to keep my children “focused” on our little guy and his environment. But other times, they are very encouraging for me. This is one of those! I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much for being a great example and for being willing to go where the Lord leads you. I pray that HE gives you strength, joy, and courage to do what he has asked.
    Love and Thanks,

  4. Thank you for your inspiring and suprising thoughts. I hadn’t stop to think that life picks up a sense of being ordinary no matter where you live.
    Blessings to you – you are such a blessing.

  5. You just remember this Sweetheart. I’ve been reading Acts. Acts 13 and 14 today. Paul and Barnabus keep on keeping on, trying (often succeeding, often not) to make disciples of everyone they come in contact with and many times getting beaten-up in the process. Sound familiar? Keep on keeping on, Jeni. You and Eric and the kids are in our prayers. I love you.

  6. Jeni
    You have a real good out look and I hope that you and Eric
    and the kids are always looked over by God.
    Be safe Jeni.

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