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What Are You Talking About?

We are back in Swaziland for less than a week and already I am humbled by so many things. Today we ministered along side The Luke Commission (a medical mission that delivers comprehensive healthcare to rural Swazi communities) with a team we are hosting from Colorado Springs which sponsors one of our neighborhood care points. This particular team is a group of high school students which is especially close to Eric’s and my heart!
First I want to commend The Luke Commission on their amazing work! What a wonderful group of servants they are! Please take the time to click on the above link and learn more about their remarkable mission here in Swaziland. We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to partner with them.
As we are trying to re-adjust to life here in Nsoko, we are also faced with the reality that the work is waiting…SO… we jump right in!
Jacob spent the day ministering to some of the school age boys by kicking around a soccer ball and just being a carefree kid, which is something the kids here really can’t take for granted.
Claire spent the day helping to do HIV/AIDS testing; on the front lines with people about to find out something that just might change the rest of their lives.
Eric spent the day coordinating the logistics of the visiting team along with their leader…with such a short time on the ground he knows that stewarding these short term mission teams with excellence is vital to the long term impact of their experience.
I spent the day trying to be helpful wherever I could. At times,  I grew discouraged because I couldn’t find a specific place to be useful. Yet, as I look back on the day I am able to recall a couple holy conversations that I was invited into today…
A 14 year old girl sat next to me for almost an hour just holding my hand and telling me about her life. She is in grade 7 and loves English class most of all. Both of her parents are dead. She lives with her grandma and a younger sister. All 8 of her grandma’s children have died and there are often many cousins on the homestead needing care. Her grandma is sick. This girl is worried that there won’t be money for her to complete school, but she knows that ‘God sees her’ and ‘knows her’. She has a contagious faith! (and smile)
An 8 year old boy who kind of followed me around from place to place most of the morning. Every once in a while he would take my hand in his but then drop it like a hot potato if I looked at him. Finally, he asked me for a ‘shoot’. I thought he wanted me to take his picture, which I did do. Then, he pointed to me and back to himself. He wanted a picture with me. I asked someone nearby to take the picture and we giggled together as we looked at the shot on the display of my camara!
We all came home tired and dirty…but we also all came home content and fulfilled…we spent the dinner hour doing what we often do here; that is, de-briefing the day just spent.
We had a good talk…


  1. Reading this with tears on my smiling face. I love you and I love Swaziland.

    Prayers, sweet friend.

  2. Thank you soooo much for sharing this blog! Our daughter, Jenna is on the trip w/Woodmen Valley! I can’t wait to hear how our God breaks her heart for the poor!!!

    Bless you and your family for all that you do!

    Much love coming your way,
    Teresa 🙂

  3. You guys a back where you belong for now!! You seem to be picking up where you left off. We miss you though. The house seems pretty empty!!Looking forward to our next Skype date. Love, Mom & Dad

  4. Glorious glorious glorious. Praying that you guys are filled with energy and love and praying for Swaziland.

  5. I love hearing how Jacob and Claire take initiative and plug right in! They are flexible and caring which is something you can’t teach from just reading a book. You all are growing so much as a missionary family! And how often does a family in the states work together with common goals and communicate so frequently, as in your dinner hour debriefings? Seldom, at best! God is certainly using you and blessing you as a family at the same time! Go Petersons!!!

  6. What a wonderful snapshot of a day in the life of a Christian family…would that all of our families be able to share serving the Lord together as you are doing. What a legacy you are leaving the next generation. Be encouraged…you have been Jesus to many people. Happy to hear so many others have heard the prompting of the Holy Spirit and are there serving as well!

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