We have builders for Go-go Eliya’s new house! To find reliable builders here, in Swaziland is not as easy as one might think. Too often they will take your money to purchase materials, perhaps even make a start on the project only to disappear! Many of you first heard about Eliya here. She is a precious, God fearing widow who is taking care of two of her grand-daughters. One of her grand-daughters is HIV positive. When Eric first met Eliya she was boiling weeds from her yard to serve for supper. This is an example of someone who truly has no earthly provider. She relies on the Lord for everything. Most days you will find Eliya praying and singing hymns. She is asking the Lord to provide her ‘daily bread’. When most of us pray “Give us this day our daily bread” we usually already have said bread (along with meat, veggies, and a dessert) in the pantry! When Eliya says this prayer she actually has no idea where her daily bread is going to come from! Praise be to God, these days, our family is privileged to be part of that provision! And, because our family fell in love with Eliya and shared her story with family and friends…she is now part of a bigger story! Through the love and kindness and provision of people all over the United States, Eliya will have a suitable house for she and her precious grand daughters! Some of you gave money through ‘House of Cards’. Some of you gave through AIM. Countless numbers of you have prayed for this beautiful woman! If you have a desire to still be part of this woman’s story…please let us know! Our family has the absolute blessing of going to this woman’s home on a regular basis, praying with her, singing hymns with her, bringing her food, and hearing her heart for the Kingdom of God. The miracle is that as we speak, ground is being broken and the foundation is being laid out for a new house for Eliya and her grand daughters! I wish all of the readers of this blog could walk on Eliya’s homestead and experience the joy and warmth of being in her presence!! To touch her hands, to look into her eyes, to sit and hear her tell of the dreams and visions she receives from God. The reason is it is so amazing is because when you are with Eliya, you are in the presence of the Most High! Yes! I know that may be offensive to some. However, I have come to realize that the God of the universe, the Creator and Father of all living is usually found among the least of these. The beauty of this life…in Nsoko, Swaziland…is just that! Most days we find ourselves in the presence of the ‘least of these’. What a blessing! What a gift!

What an exciting story and you are so privelged to be a big part of it….but sad to say you don’t have to go to Africa to find people who take advantage of others. When we’ve worked here after a disaster there is the same story you told. The people are given estimates and are told they need the money in advance to buy the materials and wham they disappear money and all..
Will be so anxious to see each step the to Go-go’s house.
Thanks again for being a part of this….
So glad to know that a builder has been found and the process has begun! Praise God!
I hope Dad and I can meet this special woman. Such a beautiful, uplifting message. I love you!
I’m so glad to hear the building is starting. In July when I met Eliya, I can truthfully say, I never met anyone who has so little and yet is so happy, thankful and joyful. I will never forget her as she sat in front of her shack and sang for us.
The truth is that this is a tragedy, but with God’s help everything can be do it. 😉